It's just a few minutes after 12. And I don't me 12 as in noon. More like 12 as in midnight. An early time of the night for me. I've got O.A.R. 's 'This Town' currently playing/blaring on my iTunes. I think Pink's Funhouse comes next and it's a favorite!
I need a little break from my work right now so I thought I'd write you all a little love letter . As I was thinking through what to say, it popped into my head that I break every blog rule out there with my crazy love letters to you all. I figure that because I'm a wedding planner and not a professional wedding blogger that I can get away with it. {Oooh, here comes 'Funhouse' you guys love the song, too?...I can't play it around the kids because Pink doesn't use the kid-friendliest words in the song!} As I was saying,you must not mind my ramblings because my stats are pretty solid - as if that's gonna win me some award :)
Talked to my beautiful friend and partner is event planning crime Alicia of A Day in May tonight. She's coming down from Traverse City to assist us with ArtPrize. There are so many events occurring simultaneously that I needed another rock-star to help manage. She fits the bill perfectly! {Adore you, Lish!}
Also talked to another rock-star planner in Detroit today. I needed some suggestions for a new vendor in the Detroit area and Beth Lipin had just the knowledge and advice I needed. I love it when planners can collaborate and share knowledge with one another. She was so kind and gracious and told me to call anytime she could help me with vendors from her area. I told her to do the same with vendors from my area. I can't wait to meet her one day soon.
Have I told you all how much I love the guys at Special Events Rental? Seriously, it should be illegal to put me in a room with Mike, Larry and Todd. These guys are ridiculously creative and together we dream up some pretty crazy stuff. I don't know what I'd do without these guys! They are the best Michigan has to offer. Heck, I think they're the best the Midwest has to offer.
I'm having a hard time keeping up with my blogroll these days, but I did see a post from someone {sorry, can't remember who} featuring the most adorable cake toppers I have ever seen. The name of the company is Lollipop Workshop and they make 'lollidolls.' I love them so much I want one for Gretchen's birthday cake next year. Trouble is, she's turning nine and may very well refuse to eat her cake if I put such a 'baby-ish' thing atop. Maybe I could ask them to make me a 'lolli-hannah-montana-doll' :) Just a thought!
Anyways, I will find a place to use one of these beauties. Aren't they wonderful? What a keepsake it would be. Maybe my new nieces and nephews need one from their Aunt Jodi? I'm feelin' it!
Happy slumber, all. Time for this chic to finish a few more emails and hit the sack. Gotta make lunches in 6 short hours. YIKES!
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