Monday, August 24, 2009

Random Thought Monday

Happy Monday, everyone! It's actually almost over but there's still a few hours left to say those fine words. Today came and went in the blink of an eye. Yes, it is 9:30pm, but I feel like it should be about 1pm. I guess time flies when you're having fun.

I don't feel like I have anything brilliant to post tonight so how about another installment of 'Random Thoughts?' Quiet honestly, my brain feels a little like mush. It's probably unprofessional to say that and I'm sure there's some 'blog rule' about always portraying an upbeat, nothing-gets-me-down, I'm-on-top-of-the-world persona, but frankly, that's just not me. When things are good, I'll tell you. But when I'm tired and a little over-worked, I'm gonna tell you that, too. And, well, I'm tired and because of that, my brain isn't functioning at full-capacity right now. So, 'Random Thoughts' is the best I can do. Here goes:
  • My little brother's wedding is this weekend in northern Michigan. My older brother and his wife arrived from Connecticut this past Saturday just in time to fold napkins and press linens. Nothing like bonding over steamers and irons!
  • I am having an absolute blast planning the official ArtPrize events. If you live in Michigan, you can't miss this two-week exhibit. It's going to be spectacular! So, mark your calendars because the opening ceremony is just a few weeks away!
  • We booked an absolutely wonderful wedding last week for September 2010. It will likely be the largest wedding we've ever planned with an estimated guest count of 550+. It's gonna be an amazing one!
  • Have you tasted the new Wild Berry {real fruit!} Smoothie at McDonald's? I'm told that Grand Rapids is a test market for this yummy concoction. So, if you live in good 'ole GR, go get yourself one. It's delicious!
  • The kiddos start school a week from today. I can't believe summer is gone already! But, they're all set with their new clothes, shoes and lunch boxes {iCarly for Gretchen and Mario Cart Wii for Seth}.

Okay, now I need to get back to work. I've got a lot of bills to generate and send tonight. Hope you all had a great weekend! I'll try to post again before I head up north to rock Jason's wedding out!


1 comment:

  1. Be sure to relax and enjoy your baby bro's wedding! You work too hard not to let loose and have a great time with your family! Can't wait to hear all about it :)
