Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Demise of a Family

Reader's beware. I'm about to post something completely unrelated to my business and the purpose of this blog. I apologize in advance but I'm so bothered by this that I need to vent a bit.

So, I tuned in to Jon and Kate plus 8 last night after getting sucked in by TLC's commercial promoting the episode. This isn't a show I normally watch but my Gretchen likes to watch the re-runs from when the kids were little {notice I say re-runs as I have not allowed her to watch a single episode from this season}.

I'll admit it. I was hoping they were going to announce they were breaking their contract with TLC, walking away from the fame and fortune and working hard to repair their fractured marriage. But, as you probably know, that isn't the case. As of yesterday, Kate filed divorce papers after Jon's behavior over the weekend...to which she's refusing to elaborate on.

So, brace yourself because here comes my opinion on the situation. Never, ever would I allow fame and fortunate to come before the health and well-being of my marriage and family. Don't tell me for one minute that they don't have enough cash in the bank to be set for a very long time, either. This mantra that Kate keeps repeating that she's doing this for the kids and their financial security is garbage. I think she likes the fame and notoriety and the money's not half bad either.

Now, I do have to say that I think Kate's a bulldog and that she rides rough-shot over Jon. In fact, it's pretty painful to watch the way she talks to Jon. But seriously, Jon, grow up. You've got eight kids now. This is not the time for a mid-life crisis {ie. new black BMW, smoking, two diamond earrings in your ears!}. If you're having trouble coming to grips with everything going on in your life, GET SOME COUNSELING! Don't abandoned your marriage and family. And please quit telling yourself your kids come first. Because if that was true, you'd be working on your marriage and rebuilding your relationship with your wife. That's what it means to put your kids first!

Now, I'm dying to know what you all think! Did you watch the episode last night? What's your opinion on this whole thing?



  1. I wanted to vomit when Kate had the audacity to use the words "the show must go on." Seriously? SERIOUSLY?? Thanks for confirming it, Kate - you're in this for the show, also known as the fame. I hope she's saving up for all of the counseling those poor victimized children are going to need.

  2. I completely agree. In fact, I am no longer watching the show or supporting it in any way. They put almost $15,000 worth of playhouses in their backyard last night, and threw away a marriage. I say pull the plug. I don't know if my marriage could survive with cameras recording every disagreement, argument and mistake. But if it started to effect our family, I'd give it up immediately. If we don't watch the show or buy the books we can show TLC and Zondervan that what we loved about the show was the family. And since no one had the courage to stand up and say "this is ruining your marriage so we are not going to renew that contract", maybe we can express that America values the family by turning it off. The biggest victims are the kids. Those kids' lives just changed forever and we watched it on TV.

  3. I didn't watch the show last night but I heard on Today this morning that they are going to continue the show even after the divorce. They said that the kids are staying in the house and then Kate or Jon are going to rotate in to do the show, so just one of them will be there with the kids at a time! This is pathetic! Wasn't this show supposed to be about the whole family? I agree that they should have pulled the plug and worked on the marriage, it's really sad.

  4. I have to admit, I didn't watch the whole episode, but the part I watched was extremely sad. If Jon is so "angry", go to marriage counseling and work out what is causing the anger. I have a feeling Jon is angry because Kate is completely consumed by the fame and fortune. What a shame! Let this be a lesson to all of us, letting outside influences into our family lives is extremely destructive. Anger and selfishness can ruin relationships...and to watch it all on TV? Wow, those poor kids.

  5. You go sister! Couldn't agree more!

  6. I'm thankful we don't have cable. I've only heard about the family through random tidbits, but my general feeling is that this is just tragic. Shame on them. Network producers who didn't put the breaks on and to Jon and Kate for letting it get to this point.

    Seriously... what is the show going to continue to document? Court dates? Visitation arguments? Is Zondervan going to continue to promote the book? Churches pounding her door down for speaking engagements? Doesn't she see that her empire is going to come crashing down with the collapse of the marriage? I say give her 6 months and she's going to be a suicide risk.

    Those sweet babies. What a horrible way to enter into life.

  7. Completely agree, Jodi. I watched it too (although it's no longer on my DVR- I don't like to watch things that make me sad!) and I was really rooting for them to cancel the show and work on their marriage...sad, so sad...
