Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Exciting News!


Some very exciting news came my way via the publicist today! I am going to be one of the featured planners in the tablescape section of the national publication, Bride & Bloom. I think I'm still floating somewhere around 30,000 feet right now. And couldn't be more excited and humbled by this opportunity!

This week I will be working hard to concept an amazing tablescape worthy of this equally amazing publication. If you've never seen a copy of this magazine, you must buy one today - or better yet wait until the issue I'm contributing to comes out in April! It's simply a divine glossy. And I've been a huge fan since it came out a couple of years ago.

I'll let you know when it hits the stands. Thanks for sharing in my excitement!



  1. Yippie - so happy for you & the vendors you decide to use! What an amazing opportunity :)

  2. WOW! Ooooooooooh, I can't wait to see what fabulosity you come up with! Good Luck! It will be BEYOND perfect! :)

  3. Woo-hoo! It's great to see you get the exposure you deserve! I can't wait to pick up my copy this April!

  4. congrats! what fantastic news and what an amazing opportunity for you ... we are big fans of Bride & Bloom! we'll be sure to pick up a copy!
