Friday, September 19, 2008

Random Goodness

The week has come to a close. It's been a busy week. A good week, too! I thought I would post about some fun little things that have come across my desk this week.

First, if you live in the Grand Rapids area, Leigh's, a high-end women's clothing store, will play host to Luis Soto, global make-up artist for Laura Mercier, and his team of amazing artists on October 1 and 2. If you're looking for wonderful make-up advice and desire a make-up lesson, you can call Leigh's at (616)942-6300 to schedule an appointment. Space is limited and will fill fast so call soon!

I'll be busy all weekend putting the finishing touches on an event proposal and concept boards. Jill, my assistant, is a gifted artist and has done an amazing job putting my vision on paper. She's spent hours on these boards drawing and coloring each detail to perfection and I'm so excited to present them to the client next week!

Aside from finishing this project, I've decided I can no longer stand the state of my office. It's a flippin' disaster. I've got magazines and tear-outs laying everywhere; sample linens and china strewn around; four water glasses and two coffee cups that need to be washed out; piles of receipts that need my handwritten notes so our lovely accountant knows who they should be billed to; a rescued vintage chair that needs to be dropped off to the upholsterer; um, I could keep going but I'll save you all the pain. So, after the kiddos soccer games tomorrow morning, I'm going to get things back in some semblance of order!

Finally, you've got to check out Modern Day Floral's recent blog entry! They provided amazing florals for the SKYY Vodka premiere party a couple of weeks ago. I shouldn't be blown away by their talent anymore because I've come to expect it, but they still seem to amaze me every time! The craziest thing about this event was that they did it the day after the big wedding we did in August. They're so professional that they didn't even let on that they had this event the next day! I had no idea! Way to go, Jenn. You and your team rock!

Have a wonderful weekend! You can look forward to a post and some pictures of a bridal tea we did a couple of weeks ago. Such a wonderful occasion with some great details for you to enjoy!


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